Sunday, June 21, 2009
incomparable friends in my life!!! ![]() and she did a wrong order for pity mandy. ![]() till the ppl around us thought we are crazy! so?who care! we just enjoy that moment. ![]() my crazy friends~ i bet they're the only crazy friends that i could find in my entire life!appreciate much+++ no one can bear comparison with them!!! ♥♥♥ Sunday, June 14, 2009
JUDO IS ME * I AM JUDO ![]() who the hell is going to take part EAGLE CUP CHAMPIONSHIP 2009 this might be useful to you all^^ Judo V *CLICK IT* though,i had stopped my lesson but i convinced that my heart is still towards JUDO as what we always say JUDO IS ME and I AM JUDO piss me off!!!!! arr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*scream out loud* it's fucking annoying man!!!supposed to sleep 12hrs in a day.BUT my dad had woke me up when the clock tick into 9am.*just bcos of xiuo ba and soya milk* omfg!!!it's just so pathetic!!!!! how can an owl survive?! okay fine.since he is my dad and i should pay a,what to do??? just obeyed the command T.T after the breakfast.==" apparently, i didn't eat cos i used to eat my so called BREAKFAST at 1/2/3 PM then got back home.and you know what? i ran into my bedroom switched the air-con ON and straight forward jumped into my lovely bed^^ BUT i can't sleep eventually!!!! just because a stupid idiot fucking annoying NIGHTMARE!!! oops!should be DAYMARE!!! arr!!!!! such an importunate nightmare!!!! helpless*** same nightmare same people same thing different night GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday, June 12, 2009
The Hundredth Article okays.haha i wondering my blog is getting pity sad so i decided to post something to cheer the author and the blog up it's all about my precious friend 7 FLOWERS anyway,it's such a wonderful thing in my life to know all of you though i don't believe in forever friend but i really trying my best to maintain it and i know we are doing the same thing just to achieve the wonder-working so,lets flash back the old memories and make it become a forever ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() last but not least,our memories is precious.our frienship is precious.all the things became precious and meaningful just because of you all.thanks for giving me a good time in my secondary's one of the regretless thing in my entire you all deep deep. THE CRAZY LITTLE THINGS CALLED LOVESSSSSSS Thursday, June 11, 2009
憂人自擾! 第3节 (鞭羁法) 这是最终的结局吗? 如果有的选择我希望你一无所有~ 没有熊熊的斗志 没有凶悍的野心 没有势利眼 没有争锋多利的念头 那,想必也不会沦落到今天的下场 有时候,很想问你:“你开心吗?” :“如果你也有的选择你会做回同样的决定吗??” 我想你应该会很大声的说:“会!我决不后悔!” 但,其实我知道你的心是慌的 因为你重来都不顾后果的去做你要你想做的东西 就算伤透了你爱的人的心你还是会义无反顾的做 因为你太自私了! 无可否认的你那大剌剌的性格是无人能及的 大家都觉得你的勇气,野心是远远超乎常人的 但,最后你得到的都是你要的吗? 你是真的快乐吗? 为什么我从你脸上都找不到以往的笑颜? 一切变得好虚假。。。 亲情真的是那么脆弱吗?? 你 真的觉得名利更重要? 现在的你满口谎言 真的不知道是否应该相信你 顺手牵羊已成为你的习惯了。。。 你真的有爱过我吗?? 为什么我总觉得你以前对我的爱都是为了要从我身上得到些什么?? 可以请你告诉我不是吗???? 这只能说你太像她了。。。 。。。 憂人自擾! 第2节 老实说,最近真的忙得我透不过气! 刚刚才被我的考试忙得团团转! 好不容易的挨到最后一张考卷, 原本还以为可以大玩一番, 没想到我的学生竟然要考试了, 这叫我怎能松懈呢??? 于是,又开始了一连串的课程给他们。。。 这只能说 life's struggle~ 坦白说我还蛮喜欢教他们的 我们的关系就好像朋友那样 因为我深信爱的教育是行得通的 老师对他们束手无策是因为‘‘了解’’的问题 只要我花多些耐心与用心他们一定会被我感动到 但,近这几个月我对他们真的越来越失望了 我发现, 我不再用心了。。。 我还常常有推掉他们课的念头。。。 原本的耐心与用心已经没了。。。 剩下的就只有担心与深深的 焦虑 担心他们是否能够面对即将来临的大考 焦虑他们是否准备好去应战 原来我都错了! 这一切一切都不是了解的问题那么简单 我太高估了我自己了 这都因为‘‘态度’’的问题!!! 俗语说得好:‘‘江山易改,本性难移也!’’ 所以我们的补习班也会在这星期内正式结束 我并没有放弃过你们 只是你们选择放弃了知识 在此我希望你们能在未来的考试考的标菁的成绩! 并想向你们道歉,道歉我的懦弱 无法和你们完成最初的梦 要铭记 Knowledge never let you down 憂人自擾! 最近心情很怪! 希望中帶有絕望,絕望中看到希望。 快樂時想著悲痛,悲痛時想著快樂。 沒錢時超會花錢,有錢時沒時間花。 有空出去沒人找,沒空出去個個找。 想被注意空無人,想要自由被圍繞。 想去跑步卻睡著,應該睡覺卻跑步。 應該哭泣欲無淚,皮毛小事且傷悲。 明明減肥還狂吃,姑且能吃沒胃口。 想要拉屎拉不出,踏入考场想拉屎。 喜歡的人不出現,出現的人不喜歡。 有時間就拼命拖,沒時間就拼命赶。 Friday, June 5, 2009
disengagement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello\*.*/ **sound so happy right??** cos i had finished my EXAM !!!!!!woohoo~ damn free right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's nothing can express my current feeling. the happiness is exceed than the prisoner released from jail =.="*exaggerating* okay.that's one thing that i want to defecate is I'm NOT happy because of i did well in the exam!so plz don't put your hope on me!don't count on me!don't expect too much on me! cos,you're definitely WRONG!!!! and it'll make me feel so uncomfortable^^ erm.the exam had ended on 7.31pm due to the one min delayed=.=" haha.honestly,i was damn nervous when i arrived the examination hall. nearly lose control. and i can feel that my exam sick is getting worsen.i can't imagine how worst it will be once i sit for The Bar examination.OMG.faint/stroke/deliration/neuropathy/dead HAHA okay.since i got a lovely dearly punctual father who love care and miss me from hell to the heaven.==so,when the clock fallen into 7.30pm,i got his call whilst he had arrived.and get prepared to serve me an abundant dinner!!! 江南虾 **my love** and i was undeniable hearty appetite since im in a pretty good mood~ yummy yummy in my tummy tummy@.@ that's all for today.bye.LOVESS Monday, June 1, 2009
an owl's place ![]() . . . . erm.just back from my college for an econ's tuition class.haha gained alot~ wish i can get a pretty good result!!!! |
♥your darling♥ ![]() SHIRLEY Get me : FACEBOOK | FRIENDSTER Love me? pls enjoy your stay.. Hate me? pls leave & bye.. ♥ SHIRLEY ♥ ♥dar-links♥ MyMan ShanFlower JooJoo Y2 shin CacingPauline Kyung AminurDarling JenLiz SuzanneSoo HowardVoon WaiJin Yassie Cartene ShiYun JingLing KahMun Kevin ShuEe Bell Yan*twins Samie ChienTeng Shelyn juwei peggy tzel Chuckei JiuJiuz BabyVon Shirley WeiWei Janice miki Stephiie ♥fashionista♥ ![]() MyHotComments A|X AOP BACI BENEFIT BLUEBERRY CHANEL COACH DKNY EMPORIO ARMANI FleaMarketBoutique FOREVER 21 GOSSIP GUCCI GUESS HEART&SOUL LE TEA MOCA MOOIE MY DRESS ROOM NotACrossDresser POPPI PURPLEDOTZ REBELLZ REBIRD REPLACEMENT ROSSO ROXY TOPSHOP TOYWATCH ZARA ♥BITTERSWEETALKS♥ |