Wednesday, December 23, 2009
"Human needs is always more than what can actually be produced" YES! I am taking Economics. YES! I strongly agree with the statement. YES! I am facing the same problem. YES YES YES!!!!!!!! I am a big spender. I think everyone knows about it and there is nothing to hide. You guys can see from your first sight if you have seen me before or if you are not blind. I know it is pathetic but what to do if i born to be that. As my father always says 即来之,则安之. haha. sounds wrong but this is the only idiom that i could think of. Further, I am having holiday now!the only thing appear in my mind for holiday = SHOPPING! And YES, I DID non-stop shopping for two weeks. I really spent all my money and having debtsss now. I mean debtsss!! BUT! It still couldn't fulfill my appetency. Yes, I'm greedy.=) Anyways, I need a leather barrel bag♥♥♥! *I want you home!* Sum, you're absolutely right. I am passion for fashion♥ Nighters. Saturday, December 19, 2009
Nothing. Hey, don't feel like blogging these day. Here is the two shows that I watched and want to recommend for you guys. Enjoy=) ![]() Friday, December 11, 2009
鱼与熊掌不可兼得 “鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。生,亦我所欲也,义,亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。”孟子用人们生活 中熟知的具体事物打了一个比方:鱼是我想得到的,熊掌也是我想得到的,在两者不能同时得到的情况下,我宁愿舍弃鱼而要熊掌;生命是我所珍爱的,义也是我所 珍爱的,在两者不能同时得到的情况下,我宁愿舍弃生命而要义。在这里,孟子把生命比作鱼,把义比作熊掌,认为义比生命更珍贵就像熊掌比鱼更珍贵一样. 本 文节选自《孟子·告子上》。《告子上》的主要内容是阐明“性善说”,即人性里天生就有向善的种子,所谓“恻隐之心,人皆有之;羞恶之心,人皆有之;恭敬之 心,人皆有之;是非之心,人皆有之”。这种善的天性,就是人的“本心”。“本心”不可小视,因为它们分别是仁义礼智这几种道德的萌芽形态:“恻隐之心,仁 之端也;羞恶之心,义之端也;辞让(意近“恭敬”)之心,礼之端也;是非之心,义之端也。”人应该推求本心,顺着“本心”的方向发展,并将它发扬光大,从 而成为道德上完善的人。因此,放到《告子下》全文里看,本文讲的是每个人都有“本心”,无论在什么情况下,人都应该保有自己的“本心”。只要“本心”在, 即使在生死关头,人也能经受住考验;而如果丧失了“本心”,人就会做出有损于人格的事来 |
♥your darling♥ ![]() SHIRLEY Get me : FACEBOOK | FRIENDSTER Love me? pls enjoy your stay.. Hate me? pls leave & bye.. ♥ SHIRLEY ♥ ♥dar-links♥ MyMan ShanFlower JooJoo Y2 shin CacingPauline Kyung AminurDarling JenLiz SuzanneSoo HowardVoon WaiJin Yassie Cartene ShiYun JingLing KahMun Kevin ShuEe Bell Yan*twins Samie ChienTeng Shelyn juwei peggy tzel Chuckei JiuJiuz BabyVon Shirley WeiWei Janice miki Stephiie ♥fashionista♥ ![]() MyHotComments A|X AOP BACI BENEFIT BLUEBERRY CHANEL COACH DKNY EMPORIO ARMANI FleaMarketBoutique FOREVER 21 GOSSIP GUCCI GUESS HEART&SOUL LE TEA MOCA MOOIE MY DRESS ROOM NotACrossDresser POPPI PURPLEDOTZ REBELLZ REBIRD REPLACEMENT ROSSO ROXY TOPSHOP TOYWATCH ZARA ♥BITTERSWEETALKS♥ |