Thursday, February 25, 2010
A Good Good Year! 2010 is a good good year to me! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I love it as there is a lot of good things happening around me! It makes me feels like I'm the luckiest person in the world. says YEAH! YEAH!
♥♥♥W-E-L-C-O-M-E♥♥♥ Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mine is joyful! Hello earthlings! Am here to share my life again. Sorry for neglecting my blog AGAIN as I am lazy! yes! You are absolutely right!!!! Well, let's start all with 20th Feb 2010,- Pauline Yap a.k.a. Miss Cacing a.k.a Flower a.k.a our beloved babe 's birthday. =) It was awesome! and I think we are the one who have to say THANKS to you, thanks for organising this gathering for 7 Flowers. For me, it was like a reunion lunch/dinner/supper for 7 flowers, and we enjoyed it to the fullest! But to be frank, the-foods-were-not-so-good. * not to offend, just telling the truth* hehe. Anyways, it's worth to try. Thanks again, thanks for Pauline, the organiser; Yiying, Hasanah, Joo Hooi, Pui Shan and Mandy, the participators and also me. Loves and Appreciates what you guys give to me. Thanks Thanks Thanks!!!! Looking forward for the next and soon gathering! After the lunch, Hasanah, Joo Hooi, YY and Pshan followed me to my place and I served them the best Korean cuisine, my favourite! They likey. Then we went to a bistro at sri hartamas till 12am and we were not enough! but we have to send the cinderella, joo hooi home. So, i drive the pumpkin all the way down to bukit jalil for 40 plus kilometers distance! Finally, we went back to my place to stay over and we had girls talks untill 5.30am! A.M!!! haha. We were mentally and physically exhausted! just like a zombie yet the blissful and cherish zombie!!!!!!! Friday, February 5, 2010
What is the price of being a shopaholic? Well, I think i have started to reject any Mama's taste clothes since standard 5. When everyone is still wearing what their Mama buys, I was started to penetrate into Fashion Kingdom. I build-up my own style and there the shopaholic's genes start growing fast in my body. Till now, this sickness is getting worst and not under my control anymore. I am just so into fashion stuff. I will purchase whenever I find it without any consideration. To be frank, I know this is actually not a good habit but i couldn't help as this is where my happiness from. Eveytime, when I feel down,stress, sorrow, frustrated and bla bla bla I will just get myself into fashion world which can actually make me feel happy within few minutes. Anyways, I just got back from another shopping spree, that's splendid! I bought alot of clothes, shoes and accessories with full satisfication! Btw, peoples are greedy, especially for a shopaholic like me, so, I'm going for another spree tmr!!!!! I plea guilt.=) Thursday, February 4, 2010
A Lanvin on First Lady. ![]() Just found out something that really caught my attention. A LANVIN SNEAKERS, -it is more than enough to catch a shopaholic's sight but when the person who wearing is Michelle Obama, what do you think of now? Did she wear in perfectly casual with a pair of $540 gray and purple Lanvin Sneakers? Or, you will think she looked matching and great just because she is Michelle Obama? Well it’s good to know that even the first lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, knows how to pick her sneakers!She looked perfectly casual with the Capri pant which goes wonderfully with the Lanvin Sneaker. And it is better be that way because the price is not easy to afford by just anybody – $545. Wednesday, February 3, 2010
“现在读大学有每天上课的么??我是没有听说过咯。。。” “现在读大学有每天上课的么??我是没有听说过咯。。。” it's from a stupid brainless idiot bastard's mouth! Can you guys see how ignorant this person are? What's the point of lying?! Don't tell me you are not suspecting me but just CURIOUS“我只是好奇而已” !Shut-up ! Do you really think I want to own your car? Come on, I got no choice, perhaps I manage to walk from DPC to Damansara Height! Tell you, if I got other way, I will never ever think of borrowing your car and hear your sarcastic comments by now! Hey, I really feel so heartbroken when you said that to me. Are you really my brother? Yes, I can't surely tell you that i will earn billion of dollors but at least I did study hard unlike you! and please don't always protect your bitch with closed eyes, is 18yrs relationship can't beat your seasonal girlfriends?Think deeply before you speak! Your words kill the one who really love you! |
♥your darling♥ ![]() SHIRLEY Get me : FACEBOOK | FRIENDSTER Love me? pls enjoy your stay.. Hate me? pls leave & bye.. ♥ SHIRLEY ♥ ♥dar-links♥ MyMan ShanFlower JooJoo Y2 shin CacingPauline Kyung AminurDarling JenLiz SuzanneSoo HowardVoon WaiJin Yassie Cartene ShiYun JingLing KahMun Kevin ShuEe Bell Yan*twins Samie ChienTeng Shelyn juwei peggy tzel Chuckei JiuJiuz BabyVon Shirley WeiWei Janice miki Stephiie ♥fashionista♥ ![]() MyHotComments A|X AOP BACI BENEFIT BLUEBERRY CHANEL COACH DKNY EMPORIO ARMANI FleaMarketBoutique FOREVER 21 GOSSIP GUCCI GUESS HEART&SOUL LE TEA MOCA MOOIE MY DRESS ROOM NotACrossDresser POPPI PURPLEDOTZ REBELLZ REBIRD REPLACEMENT ROSSO ROXY TOPSHOP TOYWATCH ZARA ♥BITTERSWEETALKS♥ |