Wednesday, July 29, 2009
最熟悉的陌生人 今天,是我最低潮的一天,也是我该醒的一天。。。因为我又被背叛了。。。 被人背叛也许是你太相信他了,但,当背叛你的人都是同一人时,这就不再是‘相信’那么简单了。。。 有时候,我真的猜不透我朋友到底在想什么??小时候,曾听过长辈告诉我一句话:要别人对你好,就应先对他人好。说实在的,在今天之前我真的以为我领悟到当中的“真正”含义,但,事实永远都不如我们所愿的。 我常在想做我朋友的人一定人幸福的,因为我是一个很讲义气的朋友,常常都会为了替朋友出而闹出很多不必要的事。也许,这就是所谓的多管闲事吧!也就是大家俗称的“鸡婆”。 xxx, 我们认识应该有好几年了,但,真正熟悉是在高一那年。。。 老实说,我真的对你很好很好,好到我自己也无法估计我对你的爱有多深。。。 你做的每一件东西我都很支持。。。 给与你最大的鼓励。。。 你伤心难过时我就陪在你身边。。。 你开心愉快时我就陪你一起笑。。。 我常常都很缅怀我们一起笑一起闹一起哭的日子。。。 因为我知道这些都是得来不易的。。。 我特别的珍惜与你在一起的每分钟。。。 就算现在我们就读不一样的学校,但,我还会常常打电话给你,慰问你的近况。。。 为的只是不希望我们会因为不同学校而拉远了彼此间的友情。。。 但是,我发现你开始避开我了。。。 我们不再像以前那样的好了。。。 我发觉你变了。。。变了一个我不认识的x。。。 我常常会因为你的事情和你闹得不愉快。。。 因为我太过紧张你了。。。真的。。。 我开始觉得累了。。。 一段真挚的友情是要两个人一起维持的而不是我单方面的付出,你又单方面的接受。。。 这是不够的。。。 我真的觉得很累很累了。。。 我决定放弃了。。。 以前,每当你背叛我时我都会选择告诉人,因为我希望通过他们的嘴巴告诉你我的感受。。。 或者,我会写上部落格好让你能看见。。。 因为我希望听见你的‘解释’ 我知道无论你说什么我都会听,因为我还爱你这朋友。。。 我只是想让你有机会告诉我你的‘谎言’ 我真的很傻,明明知道是谎言我还选择去听。。。 但是今非昔比。。。 我已听不进去了。。。 也许,我累了。。。 也许,我听腻了。。。 也许,我的耳朵已经装满了你的谎言。。。 也许,我变自私了。。。 也许,我醒了。。。 也许,我开始不想再去伤害我自己了。。。 也许,我们是时候结束了。。。 现在我把部落格关上了,因为我再也没有勇气去聆听会伤害我心灵的话了。。。 我也知道这一切都不再是‘相信’那么简单了。。。他是种腻爱。 我诚心的祝福你幸福。 Saturday, July 11, 2009
... .... taken while i was stuck in a heavy jam to pavilion with my dearly sister erm.nothing to blog.just feel kinda boring right now.chill Obsession Du Jour....STREETWEAR Frankly, I’m much more loungewear than streetwear, but having grown up in a pretty urban area there is still a bit of street in me. Which could explain my recent interest in female streetwear labels. Heavy on tee-shirts with artistic and urban slant, sneakers, bright colors and pattens and tough girl yet chic, the best part about these lines is that they are designed for women by women with spunk and attitude . **it's just what i want to be** and i am not going spent my money in this very moment whereas i'll save it for the streetwear clothes.*evil smile* HellzBellz ![]() Married to the MOB ![]() ![]() I’m loving the badass styling and slogans on the tees. Are you loving these fierce female-run streetwear labels? =THE ABOVE STATEMENT IS INSPIRED BY FASHION THOUGHT = Wednesday, July 8, 2009
obsessing till the end of my day CURRENT MOOD : sad like this ![]() =its my statement of today = you guys can don't read my craps if it bothers you.. LMAO okay. as i had told you guys in my previous post that im going to 1u today so...ta-da...I DID!!!! and you know what??? i had bought everything everything everything that i wanted for so long!!!! seriously!!it's ALL!!! sound so chipper right?? and i did spent ALL my salary too in these 2 days which i earn in couple of months!!! can you imagine how ghastfulness?? and now im feeling sad.... just because i failed in financing and turned to be a BIG spender!!! what the hell~ANTINOMY==" apparently,i still know that i am a big spenderXD honestly i did tried my best to save money and read those type of financing ass book what for future use??for my own good?emergency use???bla bla bla bla all unacceptable philosophy sometimes, i'll think that im born to boost up the fashion kingdom or maybe the economy of m'sia. haha.dumb#.# or i will self-persuading that 'spent money' is kind of involuntary action*just for me* due to reduce my guiltiness, fool right?? anyhow,i am still in a bang-up mood. smile babe=) Tuesday, July 7, 2009
it's killing time!!!! ![]() okay!!! apparently,i had bought alot of thingsss. though it's just the beginning of MEGA SALES but no doubt,the things is just so attractive with a fabulous prices. so, i SHOULD grab all of them home!!! if not i'll feel guilty for not buying them.LMAO erm.there's still tons of things haven't reach my house yet~ keep thinking them.... FINALLY i bought the dress!!!with 30% discount i'm feeling satisfication 99 thx god.... i know you love me^^ and i hope i'll get the bag tooT.T thx aminur to help me save the of money for the next best itemsss honestly,i feel regretful from the bottom of my heart cos i didn't buy it at first and now keep regreting for my "mistake" damn pathetic man!!!! anyway.GOD BLESS ME **thinking to go 1U tml** good night ♥ ♥ |
♥your darling♥ ![]() SHIRLEY Get me : FACEBOOK | FRIENDSTER Love me? pls enjoy your stay.. Hate me? pls leave & bye.. ♥ SHIRLEY ♥ ♥dar-links♥ MyMan ShanFlower JooJoo Y2 shin CacingPauline Kyung AminurDarling JenLiz SuzanneSoo HowardVoon WaiJin Yassie Cartene ShiYun JingLing KahMun Kevin ShuEe Bell Yan*twins Samie ChienTeng Shelyn juwei peggy tzel Chuckei JiuJiuz BabyVon Shirley WeiWei Janice miki Stephiie ♥fashionista♥ ![]() MyHotComments A|X AOP BACI BENEFIT BLUEBERRY CHANEL COACH DKNY EMPORIO ARMANI FleaMarketBoutique FOREVER 21 GOSSIP GUCCI GUESS HEART&SOUL LE TEA MOCA MOOIE MY DRESS ROOM NotACrossDresser POPPI PURPLEDOTZ REBELLZ REBIRD REPLACEMENT ROSSO ROXY TOPSHOP TOYWATCH ZARA ♥BITTERSWEETALKS♥ |